Dogs and cats need vaccinations to help them stay healthy and avoid potentially life-threatening illness from canine distemper virus, parvovirus, hepatitis virus, and parainfluenza virus for dogs, and feline respiratory viruses for cats. The following is a list of common vaccinations we recommend at Bellerose Animal Hospital.
For Dogs:
Required by state law, this vaccination is given first at 16 weeks of age. Dogs are revaccinated at 1 year from the initial vaccination, and then every 3 years. -
This is the first vaccine given to puppies, with boosters every 3–4 weeks until 16 weeks of age. For large breed dogs, your veterinarian may recommend an additional dose of vaccine. -
This common vaccination is usually first given after 8 weeks, with a booster given 3–4 weeks after the first injection. -
While all clients will be educated on the risks of Lyme disease, those dogs considered “high risk” will be recommended for vaccination. -
All puppies will receive a vaccine after 8 weeks of age, followed by a booster 4 weeks later, and then annual boosters. “High risk” dogs should be vaccinated every 6 months. -
This is an emerging disease that can be devastating. Puppies should receive their first vaccination after 8 weeks of age with a booster 2–3 weeks later. This vaccination is then given annually.
For Cats:
Required by state law, cats receive this vaccine at 16 weeks. Revaccination is yearly. -
All cats receive their first vaccination at or after 8 weeks of age, with boosters every 3–4 weeks until 16 weeks of age. A booster is given 1 year after the last kitten vaccine, and then every 3 years. -
All clients will be educated about this vaccination for feline leukemia. Your veterinarian will discuss the risk factors for your particular pet and make recommendations based on your pet’s health history.
Each client receives a unique vaccination plan for his or her pet at the first wellness exam. We will be sure to discuss with you all vaccinations that we recommend and make sure that we work together as a team to give your new pet a great start to a long and happy life.